Fall Team
$1000 or more
Don and Rosie Gooder
Meirick Family
Dave Harty
Dale Bahr
Nehl and Cec McKone
Gerald Sovereign Family
Sovereign, Inc.
Merle and Marge Sovereign
Decision Team
$500 to $1000
Glen Brand in memory of Mary Lou Brand
Luverne Klar
Tom Peckham
Russ Baker
Jerome and Norma Hruska
Jeffrey Harty
George Gast
Stewart R. Johnson
Takedown Team
$250 to $500
Chuck and Joan Curtis
Howard and Jane Goldsworthy
Dan and Kathleen Gable in memory of Kathlene D. Gable
James Grover D.V.M.
Allyn and Diane Billmyer
The Seversons, Arlin - Edward - Larry
Mark Sindlinger
The Family of Nehl & Cec McKone
Bob Bowlsby
Gordon Moser
Lester Fields
Steve Slifka
Mrs. Finn Eriksen in memory of Finn
Wyatt & Kirsten Schultz
Escape Team
$100 to $250
Leon 'Champ' Marten in memory of Dorothy & Dean Marten
Dave Natvig
Clyde Bean
Mary E. Flanagan in memory of Chris
Russ Smith
Paul Scott
Franc Freeman
Geneva Peckham
Keith Young
Dale Brand in memory of Chris Flanagan
Gene Lybbert
Don Nichols in memory of Harold J. Nichols
Elsie Bartelma in memory of David C. Bartelma
Jim Zalesky
Gerald Leeman in memory of Robert T. "Bob" Mitchell
Lee Johnson in memory of George E. Johnson
Merlin Schmauss Family in memory of Merlin
Simon Roberts
Gordon Landswerk
Paul Haight
Lowell and Gladys Sovereign
Wayne and Marlene Sovereign
Al Baxter
Brian Scholbrock
Les Anderson
Jim Harmon
Gene and Barb Maakestad
Don Henry
John Roberts
Bob Darrah
Greg and Teri Gruss
In memory of Geneva Peckham by Tom, Ruth, and Families
Dick Govig
Craig Schwienebart
Donald & Sandra Lee Henry Family in honor of Norman Borlaug